Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wade & Jennifer Engagement Shoot

This past Saturday, I met Wade and Jennifer at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA for their wedding shoot. Jennifer's sweet and ever adorable daughter, Hannah, also came along for the shoot. Wade and Jennifer met online while Jennifer admittedly was not looking for someone at that time. She blew him off initially, but Wade was persistent and Jennifer agreed to a date. They are getting married next month I can't wait to be a part of their day.

I told you Hannah is adorable and I wasn't lying. I love her curly hair.

We might have a budding photographer on our hands. Love this shot!

These two are just so into each other and it shows.

Such cuteness.....

I love the laughter felt in this next shot.

Thanks for a great shoot. Can't wait for the wedding!


Anonymous said...

Love the shot in front of the stained glass window!

becky huff photography said...

Thanks Kim! That is one of my faves too!

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About Me

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Columbus, GA, United States
I am married to a wonderful husband, Garland, and am an photography enthusiast. It is my belief that photography should be more than just a plastered smile. It should represent you, who you are, reflect your soul, and have meaning. If this description fits who you are, then I would love to photograph you.