Wednesday, November 17, 2010


What a fun session this was! I have known Tasha for about 8 years now--we work together at my day job--and it was such a great shoot. The other day we met in uptown Columbus with the intent to do Christmas pictures with her son. However, her son spent the day with his dad so we had a change of plans on the style of pictures we did. I love it when my clients are willing to go into different areas to get non-traditional shots and this session was FULL of those types of shots. We found this fantastic alleyway at the old mills near the 13th Street Bridge. It was such fun to find a new place to shoot, but the fun didn't last too long. I'll tell you what happened later on in this post. Ahhhh....some suspense to keep you around.

Ms. Tasha was rockin' out the camera and I had SOOO many fantastic images to blog that I had to stop myself. This is the alleyway we were in and it had this stairwell that we got some great images from. How beautiful is she???

This is in the same alleyway around the back of the building that had some wonderful graffiti. We had just finished up this shot when we heard a small motorized vehicle come around the corner. It was a security guard kicking us out. We were both bummed a bit because we had our eye on other areas to get some pictures.

After getting kicked out of the alleyway, we headed out onto the main street that had no traffic.
I asked Tasha if she was willing to lay in the middle of the street and I am so glad she agreed to do it. I love these next two shots.

Another funny event happened during this next shot. As I took this next shot a couple on their bike came around the corner on the right hand side and rode up along side of us. Here we were both lying on our stomachs taking pictures. What a sight that must have been! Well, they both thought it was great and loved Tasha's boots. What a fun experience.

The rest of the shoot was less eventful, but we got some fantastic images.

Let me know your favorite image from this session because I am having a hard time figuring it out! I guess that is not a bad thing. Thank you, Tasha, for rockin' my camera for the session.

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About Me

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Columbus, GA, United States
I am married to a wonderful husband, Garland, and am an photography enthusiast. It is my belief that photography should be more than just a plastered smile. It should represent you, who you are, reflect your soul, and have meaning. If this description fits who you are, then I would love to photograph you.