Friday, March 12, 2010

Columbus, GA Photographer Personal but a bit about business

Trepidation....a word that strikes most people when starting a new job or speaking in front of an audience. For me, this almost always hits me post photo session when it is time to review the images on the big screen (my macbook pro :) ). There is this constant struggle within that is a self doubter. I hear most photographers and even the most experienced photographer struggle with is their work good enough. It is extremely important that I please the customer as well as create inspiring work as this is almost always my most important marketing tool. This is my perfectionist side coming out and I realize this fully. I am, by nature,a people pleaser and almost always have been so when I hear the client gush over my work it gives me great satisfaction and reinforcement that my work is worthy.

Now onto my other problem and can be summed up in one word. Procrastination! I hate this part of me and so does my husband. In fact, I have 20 page paper that has been staring at me all semester long and I only have 6 more weeks to write it and 2 weeks after that to refine it. There are other things I procrastinate at and that is something I must reign in for business purposes. One of these days I am going to sit down and make a to do list to help conquer some of these fears and to HOPEFULLY reduce my procrastination side.

I think both of the words are a self-realization that we must all take stock of from time to time. I want my business to grow and be successful and doing a bit of self-realization from time to time cannot hurt. NOW I need to do something about it. :-)

Talk to you soon!

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About Me

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Columbus, GA, United States
I am married to a wonderful husband, Garland, and am an photography enthusiast. It is my belief that photography should be more than just a plastered smile. It should represent you, who you are, reflect your soul, and have meaning. If this description fits who you are, then I would love to photograph you.