Saturday, January 8, 2011

Personal | The man I married

The man I married 13 years ago today understands me in so many ways.

He truly can complete my sentence when I forget what I am trying to say. Which is quite often!

He is my polar opposite, but that's ok...

He has no problem spending money; I would like to save it.

He is opinionated; I am a people pleaser

Although he is opinionated, he still is a man of few words; I often say too much.

He is the calm in our relationship; I am easily angered.

He is a straight talker; I beat around the bush and then some.

He is my strength when all I want to do is run and hide.

He can sometimes be harsh; I have the compassion.

In spite of our differences, we have built a life together that is complete. Without my rock at my side, I know I would be a different person. When we met, I was a quiet and shy girl who lived in a shell. Today, it is his encouragement, that drives me to be a better person.

You might ask, do we have anything in common. Yes, indeed! We both have a L-O-V-E for everything Starbucks, NFL football, and most importantly, a love for each other. I know that at the end of the day, the man I married 13 years ago will always be by my side through all of life's trials and celebrations. I cannot imagine having anyone else by my side.

Happy Anniversary, Babe!

1 comment:

bhphotography said...

This too I believe....and it is for all these reasons you've posted and many others that I too know that you are my one and only.........I love you, Jo.....

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About Me

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Columbus, GA, United States
I am married to a wonderful husband, Garland, and am an photography enthusiast. It is my belief that photography should be more than just a plastered smile. It should represent you, who you are, reflect your soul, and have meaning. If this description fits who you are, then I would love to photograph you.