Sunday, June 13, 2010

Frederick and Elizabeth Engaged

These two grew up in the same small town of Waverly Hall, GA and went to high school together. Though they parted ways after high school, they always stayed in touch. After college, they dated off an on. It was at Elizabeth's apartment one day early this year that Fredrick asked Elizabeth to be his wife. I will be shooting their wedding in just a few short months....September 4th at the beautiful Pine Mountain Chalet Resort.

On Saturday, we met at the 13th Street bridge on the Phenix City side. Elizabeth really wanted to include the Georgia and Carver High School sign as this is the route she travels every morning as she is on her way to Carver High School, where she has been a teacher for the last seven years.

This is my favorite shot of the day.

We then crossed the bridge into uptown Columbus for a few shots.

Fredrick and Elizabeth are avid movie goers and wanted to incorporate the movie theatre into the session so we headed to Hollywood Connection. Fredrick likes action, scary, and sci-fi movies while Elizabeth likes drama's, comedy, and romantic movies. I did find it interesting that Fredrick liked The Notebook--which I absolutely loved.

Thank you Fredrick and Elizabeth for enduring the sweltering heat and humidity. Looking forward to your wedding! Hope you enjoyed!

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Columbus, GA, United States
I am married to a wonderful husband, Garland, and am an photography enthusiast. It is my belief that photography should be more than just a plastered smile. It should represent you, who you are, reflect your soul, and have meaning. If this description fits who you are, then I would love to photograph you.