Saturday, May 8, 2010

Columbus, GA Photographer The Casey's

My month long hiatus is over. It has been a stressful month personally, but we navigated our way through it--somewhat. School is complete and I cannot be more thrilled. OK...enough of my personal stuff. :-)

Meet the Casey's! My friend Susie contacted me a couple of weeks ago to get a portrait of her family for her parents 50th wedding anniversary. WOW...50 years! AMAZING!!! Unfortunately her mom, Sandy, is in very poor health and since some of the family lives out of town, this might be their last opportunity to get a complete family portrait. I was MORE than happy to oblige.

Here are some of my faves. Note to self...need to learn to get more creative in large group situations.

Frank and Sandy Casey

The entire family plus the dogs...

All the siblings and parents (Left to right: Susie, Karen, Mike (Standing), Kevin, Sandy, and Frank)

This is my personal favorite.

Thank you guys for letting me photograph your special day together!

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About Me

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Columbus, GA, United States
I am married to a wonderful husband, Garland, and am an photography enthusiast. It is my belief that photography should be more than just a plastered smile. It should represent you, who you are, reflect your soul, and have meaning. If this description fits who you are, then I would love to photograph you.